Iowa Pigs  Margaret Yapp, Jacob Yeates
 Iowa has 99 counties // & a population of around 3,000,000 people

Iowa has 99 counties // & a population of around 25,000,000 pigs

  Around 1/3 of the pigs // in the United States of America // live in Iowa  In 2019, Iowa farmers slaughter
 In April of 2020 // Governor of Iowa Kim Reynolds signed a $26,000,000 contract // to increase coronavirus testing in Iowa // with Utah-based startup Nomi Health  When asked why she didn’t consider // an Iowa-based institution or company for coronav
 Iowa has around 86,900 farms

  Around 70% of Iowa land is in corn-soybean rotation

  33% of Iowa own goes directly into livestock feed

  One bushel of corn needs 4,000 gallons of water to grow

  In livestock feeding // one bushel of corn convert
 Iowa’s legislature hasn’t passed any new zoning laws // for the construction of livestock buildings // since the early 2000’s

  Since the early 2000’s: // Iowa’s stream nitrate has increased 83% // & the fastest growing segment can be traced //
 69% of Iowa’s land drains into the Upper Mississippi River  

The Mississippi River // provides 90% of fresh water flowing // into the Gulf of Mexico  

In November of 2020: 

Governor of Iowa Kim Reynolds // said that there were 26 Nomi Health test
 The owners of Iowa Select Farms // are a married couple // who are among the l largest campaign contributors // for Governor of Iowa Kim Reynolds // having donated around $300,000  In July of 2020 // Governor of Iowa Kim Reynolds’s administration //
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